March Learning Highlights from The Langley Heritage Primary
Nursery had a very exciting and busy term. We enjoyed World Book Day with a drama workshop and a dress up day. We had an opportunity to meet real firefighters and see a real fire engine. We planted some flowers for the important woman in our lives. We got to see eggs hatch into chicks and we got to participate in a science workshop. We did all of this while learning about space and the different planets and how to retell the story 'Whatever Next'
Reception have been very busy learning all about seasonal changes. We have studied the life cycle of a chicken and watched eggs hatch. We have watched caterpillars make their chrysalises. We have been outside and looked at the changes Spring has brought. We have grown our own cress and tasted it!
Year 1
This term in Year 1, the children’s ‘big question’ has been ‘Are Plants Alive?’ During this term the children have learnt to grow flowers and vegetables from seeds, including sunflowers, cress and carrots. The children have learnt, what plants need to grow and how to take care of them. As part of the Junior Duke of Edinburgh award, the children learnt how to make their own toast safely and verbally explained their thought process behind their actions.
Year 1 were lucky enough to receive a visit from Penguin Publishing, who read them the story ‘Gretel the Wonder Mammoth’ by Kim Hillyard. The story allowed the children to think about their emotions and ways in which to deal with them effectively.
Chile Class preformed their version of The Carpenters ‘Sing’ using the instruments. The children really enjoyed the session and will have more experiences around music next half term.
Year 2
This term in year 2, pupils have been learning all about plant growth. In our writing lessons, pupils’ have had various opportunities to read a variety of plant themed books. A particular pupil favourite has been a twisted fairytale called ‘Maximus and the Beanstalk’. During our Art lessons, pupils have studied the artist Van Gogh and have taken inspiration from his art to create fantastic master pieces. In science, pupils have been growing their own plants and have been examining the different factors limiting plant growth. Later in the term, pupils have also investigated the different parts of a seed and engaged in new vocabulary like germination, seed dispersal and growth.
Year 3
This term Year 3s big question was - How humans and animals live together? Children were introduced to Wilbur, a curious pig that craved companionship. The timeless tale by E.B. White; Charlotte's Web, was enjoyed by the children, they then went on to write a newspaper report on Wilbur's failed effort to escape from his pigpen. We also created and performed poems about animals, using a variety of poetry features such as alliteration, personification, similes and metaphors.
The children visited Odds Farm Park to learn about farming and animals, which linked to our Science topic- animals, including humans. Children made comparisons between the human skeleton and animal skeletons, such as endoskeletons, exoskeletons, and hydro-skeletons. In Geography, we explored human and physical features of the UK. We went on a field trip in our local area to identify those features and created a map of the locality.
In Art, we studied Frieda Kahlo, and Mexican artist who was renowned for her self-portraits. We adapted her famous piece- Thorn Necklace and Hummingbird and created our own self-portraits. We are so proud of each and every one of our students for engaging so well in this topic.
Year 4
Year 4 this term have been busy discussing the big question of "How did the biodiversity of North and South America impact the world?". We began our topic with a food tasting of some of the largest crops in the Americas-chocolate, corn, maize, coffee (decaf of course). We then delved into learning about climate zones and biomes and how this influences where certain foods grow. We loved reading a book called "The Chocolate Tree where we learnt a Mayan folk tale and how chocolate was considered a precious commodity and the different forms it was eaten in before the one we recognise today. We have ended our topic with a unit of cooking with Chef Jack who taught us how to make Guacamole, salsa and create our own wraps using a number of important skills in the kitchen (chopping, mashing, stirring, folding etc).
Year 5
Year 5 have had a fantastic term of learning about the Victorians. We looked at how much Victorians have shaped the world we live in today. We looked at various topics from the Victorian period. The children learned about the divide between rich and poor, with the children being Historians and investigating the cause of the spread of cholera! In addition to this, the children learned about Victorian school and how lucky they were to have Mr Hambling and Mr Prendergast as teachers, although they knew that already of course!
Many Victorian inventions are still used today, and the children studied how these have changed over time. One of the most famous Victorian Inventors was Isambard Kingdom Brunel, who helped revolutionise travel, the rail system and of course bridges and tunnels - even more fascinating given his locality to where we stand today. As part of their DT work, children created their own bridges using popsicle sticks, the bridges were judged on strength, design and appearance!
Away from their topic work, the children excelled in their PE learning with their new topic of Badminton. It was a joy to see their progress in this over the weeks of learning and practice. The children also took part in a valuable Anti-Knife workshop, learning all about the dangers and consequences of knife crime.
We look forward to another brilliant term of learning after easter where the topic will be WWI! To all the children, parents and carers of Year 5 - Have a wonderful Easter break, and feel free to bring any left over Easter eggs to Mr Hambling.
Year 6
Year 6 have worked really hard this half term to prepare themselves for their upcoming SATS's.
They have studied the Benin Kingdom and discovered trading routes and relationships between the different countries. The children found out about Benin bronzes and the significance they had and had the chance to debate whether these objects should be returned and how this empire came to an end. They also made their own replicas of Benin bronzes using clay.
The Year 6 girls also brilliantly represented their school by getting to the semi-finals in the south east regional finals.
In Science, children have learnt about microorganisms and the various ways which we can classify living things. We also looked at habitats, and the various ways which animals may be suited to living within them. This culminated in our trip to Whipsnade Zoo, where the children were able to explore ands find out about animals and creatures from all the different areas of the World, and took part in a workshop focusing on how animals are adapted to their environments.