Trustees & Committees

Please click on the expandable sections below for information about our Trustees and Committees.

Trustee Information


Trustee Attendance for 2023/24

Dates of Meetings

Trustee Committee dates for 2024/25

Schedule of Work

Schedule of Work 2024/25

Biographies of Trustees

To find out about our Trustees please read the document below:

Trustees of The Arbib Education Trust

Trustee Appointment List

Trustee Appointment List 2024/25

Trustee Register of Interest

Declaration of Interest 2024/25

Should you wish to contact the Trustees please use the email address below and your correspondence will be forwarded to the appropriate person.

Governance Professional for Trust - Tina Lewis

Phone: 07708 233341

If you wish to see a copy of Governing Body or Trust Board minutes, please contact our Governance Professional at: Please bear in mind that there may be a charge for any reprographic costs involved.
