Highlights from TLAP
Nursery- Nursery have finished their text The Smartest Giant in Town. One which they have all thoroughly enjoyed. We have been looking at getting ‘experts’ at different jobs around Nursery and we have found 2 children who are fantastic at putting away the wooden blocks, in the correct spaces. They have to look at the numbers on the blocks and find the matching ones on the shelf. They then have to make sure that they place them in correct way round. Both children are enjoying the responsibility of ensuring the blocks are back in their correct places. It is great to see children taking ownership of things they know they are good at.
Reception- This week in Reception we have been continuing our work on Space and writing instructions. We took our class story map and changed it to make it our own. We wrote out the instructions using the words First, Next, Then and Finally to help us put the instructions in order. In Maths, we have been learning about number bonds to 5. Through playing fun games such as throwing beanbags into hoops and through questioning we were able to find different ways to make 5. In DT, we designed our own alien and thought about all the resources we will need. We then used our design sheets to make our aliens and have displayed them all in our classes.
Year One and Two
This week in Year 1, the children have carried out observations of their bean plants and have worked together to dissect flowering plants. They have enjoyed finding out about the different parts of plants and their functions. In English, we have started to innovate our text map and the children have come up with some fantastic ideas to improve the story of ‘Jack and the Beanstalk.’
This week, Biswas class in Year 2 celebrated their class birthday. They found out about the life of Ramnath Biswas, he travelled the world on a bicycle, recording tales of his travels. The children made stained glass wheels to represent the wheels on Biswas' bike, they reflected on what they would take on a long bike journey. They designed their own bicycle helmets and ended the day making bicycles out of lolly pop sticks.
Year Three and Four
This week in Year 3 has been very busy! In Science, we began exploring magnets and reviewing the importance of questioning in scientific inquiry. Mrs Bray from the museum learning team visited us with authentic toys from the Victorian era. We had lots of questions and had a lot of class discussions about their significance. In RE, we used artefacts to explore rites of passage. We enjoyed handling different artefacts and trying on different pieces of special clothing – including Mrs. Wardle’s wedding veil!
It has been a very creative week in Year 4. The children have created excellent models of Egyptian architecture, using modelling clay, such as pyramids and the Sphinx. In English, the children have innovated the text map letting their imaginations run wild. In Maths, the children have learnt to use formal written methods to multiply and divide with the aids of manipulatives to help. Speaking of Maths, Carver is this week’s winners of Battle of the Bands. Well done to all who are practising and improving their times table speeds!
Year Five and Six
Another fantastic week in Year 5! The children worked very hard in gymnastics to develop their skills so that they could safely perform on a range of apparatus. In History, the children compared themselves to medieval Iraqis and were surprised to discover that one dirham could buy them a lot more than one pound! In French, the children have been exploring the weather and have begun to describe the weather on a particular day
This week, Year 6 have continued to make great progress in their learning. In Maths we have started the joys of algebra. In ICT, we have made groups and started to plan how they will be advertising their chosen product using the IPads. Finally, in writing we have continued to practise our creative writing. The children have made some fantastic stories that create suspense linked to our main theme of World War 2.