Highlights from TLAP
Nursery have enjoyed finishing their text ‘Giraffes can’t Dance’ where we continued to look at different dances from around the world. In PSHE we have been looking at different jobs. We looked at photos of staff around the school and how they help us and our school. The children thought of the different jobs and what they would like to do when they are older. We then enjoyed dressing up and acting out different jobs. The children enjoyed being firefighters, builders, dancers and pilots. Some of us then enjoyed going on a place where the pilot took us to India! The children’s IT and mouse skills have really progressed and lots of children can effectively use the mouse to choose and play the games they want. They are also using the mouse to copy different sounds and are able to problem solve.
What a busy week for Reception! We had our first school trip to black park this week to help look at the difference between rural and urban environments. The children enjoyed listening to the story of ‘The Curious Garden’ as we explored the environment around them. This linked strongly to our topic of ‘you are never too small to make a difference’ as the children looked at nature and understood how important it is to protect our planet. We were happy to see the children picked up rubbish and put it in the bin if they saw any rubbish around the park. In Maths we continued learning about properties of 2D shapes and the children learnt that no matter what way we turn a shape, it is still the same shape.
Year One
Year 1 have had a busy week. We have learnt our 'Three Billy Goats Gruff' story map and we had a visit form Clover the goat. We have learnt lots of interesting facts about goats and how to tell if a goat is male or female.
Year Two
Year 2 enjoyed sharing special things from home in PSHE this week. We had circle time to show our classes and to talk about things we that are special to us, like belonging to Beavers, being a Muslim or being in our family or a football team.
Year Three
This week in Year 3 has been another busy week. In Maths, the children have continued their work on fractions. In English, the children have begun to innovate their text map so they are able to write their own playscripts about Rosa Parks. In Science, the children have designed posters about how to stay safe in the sun. In Geography, the children went on a virtual fieldtrip to Georgia to explore the physical features. They then design a booklet to compare Slough to Georgia
Year Four
This week, the children have enjoyed another week of fun learning. In English, the children have been studying Marcus Rashford and are starting to plan for their own writing about persuading someone to be the best that they can be. In Maths, they have tackled decimals, by ordering and comparing them. In Science, the children have been learning about the ear. There have made comparisons between Scotland and England and are making good progress with their Free-Flow projects.
Year Five
This week Year 5 have been finishing our newspaper reports about the Space Race. In Science we have been investigating the Solar System using the VR headset. In Maths we have been refining our addition and subtraction of decimals.
Year Six
Congratulations to the whole of Year 6 for completing their SATs tests. It has been an incredibly busy week, as we have been tested on all the things we have learned from Year 3 to Year 6, in: Spelling, Grammar, Punctuation, Reading, Arithmetic and Mathematical Reasoning. Friday was our reward day and we had a fabulous time with a fun swim and selection of activities on the field, including an inflatable slide. We know we still have some work to do, but it is important we enjoy these moments. We want to say thank you to the whole school for their support, keeping quiet during our tests and wishing us well when they saw us in the corridor.