TLAP News Highlights
Nursery children are settling in so well, it is like they have been here forever! We have been learning the names of our new friends, and how we need to share with each other. We know that if someone is being unkind to us that we need to say ‘stop, I don’t like it’. We are also getting better at copying the ‘stop sign’ when an adult does it, and we know that this means that we have to stop and listen. We have been very busy building obstacle courses, trying to make ducks slide down guttering, by using water, and some of us visited the mud kitchen for the first time!
Reception have had a wonderful week exploring their names and where to find their name in the classroom. They have enjoyed number stories in Maths and have loved exploring the learning provision during freeflow. Water play and painting have been very popular this week as well as our deconstructive role play where the children built a glorious dress shop!
Year One and Two
This week in Year One we have been very creative due to Mrs Mansouri’s needing a colourful dress. We needed to think quickly to make her a new dress ready for her evening meeting. In Maths this week, we have been learning to sort objects by size, shape and colour. In Science, we had the opportunity to explore how our features have changed over time.
This week, Year 2 has embarked on their journey sailing the Seven Seas. They have been introduced to their first book ‘The Pirates Next Door’ by Johnny Duddle and in maths they have been looking at how many tens and ones there are in different numbers.
Year Five and Six
This week Year 5 have been working on place value in Maths. In Science we have started looking at life cycles of plants and insects and we are looking forward to our first practical experiment where we will be dissecting plants to identify the reproductive parts of the plants. We have begun looking at rainforests and tsunamis in Geography. In English we have been learning our model text and creating our own story map and
actions to support us learning our model text.
Year 6 have set forth on a great quest! Starting our work on ‘The Hobbit’, we began our adventure with a scavenger hunt, following clues on a map of school. We have also developed our understanding of our own world, working with latitude, longitude, the continents and the world’s oceans.
Year Three and Four
At the start of the week, the children in Year 3 were shocked to find dinosaur footprints all over the breakout. They then watched some footage of a dinosaur in the ICT Room and decided to explore what could have happened. They have also begun looking
at the famous palaeontologist, Mary Anning, and the amazing fossils she found.
The lessons have been coming fast and hard this week in Year 4, and the children have done a great job in showing us what they are capable of. We have been looking at place value and rounding numbers this week in Maths, in Science we have introduced the topic of electricity and the children are very excited about Robots, which will be the theme running through our Writing lessons.