TLAP News Highlights
It was so nice to have Nursery children back in the classroom. We enjoyed exploring our new classroom and resources. We are already making new friends and can’t
wait to make more! We enjoyed playing in the sand, water tray and reading books in the reading area.
This week Reception have started school! The children have settled in really well, getting to know their new classmates and their new environment. We have been around the school to see our siblings as well as learning about why our classes are called what they are! We really enjoyed having all our parents come into school for
stay and play as well! We love Reception!
Year One and Two
Year One have had a very positive start to the term. The children have enjoyed exploring their new classrooms and getting to know their new teachers. They have all been learning about different inventors in relation to their new class names. It has been lovely to meet the children this week. They have come into Year 2 with such enthusiasm and are excited to begin their learning. During the first week they have been reviewing some of the work that they did in Year 1 and learning about the people that their classes are named after.
Year Three and Four
The children have settled into Year 3 fantastically. This week, the children have excitedly begun exploring our topic about dinosaurs and rocks. The children particularly enjoyed using salt dough to create their own fossils and going on a rock
The children have settled in well to life in Year 4. This week they have been completing many fun activities to get to know each other. They have explored the garden area, been creative making their own art work and of course doing some Maths and Writing. We have been very impressed with their start and look forward to a fun year.
Year Six
A new year and a new year group. Our Year 6 children have settled in wonderfully well to their new classes. We have spent our first week getting to know our classmates and finding out what we can remember from our previous learning. We also completed some fun, problem solving activities; including some map work and an engineering challenge, building towers from paper straws.