TLHP Year 6 - What was the most significant contribution of the Windrush generation to post war British society?

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Feb 14, 2025

During this term, our Year 6 students have engaged in a rich tapestry of learning experiences that have broadened their horizons and deepened their understanding of significant historical and scientific concepts. Central to their studies was an exploration of the Windrush generation, where students investigated the most significant contributions of this community to post-war British society. They delved into the profound impact and significance of their experiences, as well as the myriad challenges they faced and the resilience they demonstrated.

In Science, the children were captivated by the classifications of living things and their habitats. Their inquisitiveness led them to discover the complex world of microorganisms, differentiating between helpful and harmful microbes, thus fostering a greater appreciation for the environment.

Our Design and Technology sessions proved equally engaging asstudents learned about the different food groups. They collaborated to plan and prepare a three-course meal, culminating in cooking Caribbean-style dishes that reflected the influences of the Windrush generation. Through these activities, they honed practical skills such as chopping, cutting, peeling, and mixing.

In Computing, Year 6 students investigated the world of big data, exploring technologies such as barcodes, QR codes, infrared, and RFID. This exploration allowed them to connect their learning to contemporary technological applications, fostering insightful discussions on the effectiveness of these tools in today’s world.

Moreover, our museum learning artefacts—including pictures, suitcases, and carnival headpieces—brought their historical studies to life. For our High Stakes Project- the children put together a vibrant assembly where they showcased their understanding through performances that enriched our learning community.