TLHP Year 3: What were the greatest achievements of the Ancient Egyptians?
This term, we have been diving into the fascinating world of Ancient Egypt! Our question for the term was ‘What were the greatest achievements of the Ancient Egyptians?’. Through interactive lessons and Museum Learning objects, we have explored the daily lives, beliefs, and incredible achievements of this ancient civilization. To bring our history to life, we also visited Eton College, where we engaged with unique artifacts and deepened our understanding of the past. We looked further in the tombs that the Ancient Egyptians created and learned more about what they included in their tombs and the reasons for this. We saw body parts that have were mummified during the Ancient Egyptians era, along with a large coffin filled with beautiful drawings inside. We then created a class freeze which showed what we would include in our own tombs. It was an enriching experience that sparked curiosity! In our art lessons we looked at how the Egyptians made and used papyrus paper. We used this knowledge to make our own paper before we designed and created scrolls about our lives.
We had an abundance of Museum learning objects to help develop our understanding of the Ancient Egyptians. We had lots of questions about the objects when we first saw them, but we have had lots of opportunities to explore them and find out what they were used for. One of our favourite things to study this term were the hieroglyphs, and learning how to de-code the symbols and also write our own secret messages using the code.
Next term we will be using our learning from both terms to do our High Stakes Project, so we have lots to look forward to. We will be looking at the Shang Dynasty and we will be comparing it to the Ancient Egyptians.