TLA Sixth Form Update

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May 17, 2024

Another positive term from our 6th Form students has been marked by impressive dedication and hard work since coming back after the Easter break. Students have displayed an excellent working attitude, actively participating in lessons, and class discussions. Their commitment to academic success is evident in their improved grades and the quality of their classwork. Moreover, the Student Leadership Team has truly shone this term by helping plan and run our wonderful Cultural Heritage Day. This event was a resounding success, featuring a vibrant display of cultural presentations, traditional music and dance performances, and an array of international cuisines. The leadership team’s meticulous planning and enthusiastic involvement not only made the event memorable but also fostered a deeper appreciation for diversity among students and staff alike. Their efforts exemplify the spirit of collaboration and community that we strive to cultivate in our school.

On 16 May, we said goodbye to our Year 13 cohort as they prepare for their final exams. It was an emotional day filled with stories, memorable and embarrassing photos, capturing the essence of their journey with us. Students took the time to sign each other's shirts, creating keepsakes to remember their time here. We shared a heartfelt final assembly to wish them all good luck, reflecting on their growth and achievements over the years. As they move into the next phase of their lives and careers, we have our fingers crossed that they achieve the grades they need to fulfil their aspirations and dreams.

Student attendance and punctuality are key to student success. All students are reminded that they must be on site no later than 08:15, with entrance allowed only via the Green Drive gate. Punctuality is crucial as it ensures that students are ready to start the day promptly, minimising disruptions and maximising learning time. Regular attendance is equally important; students are expected to attend every day to take full advantage of their teaching and learning opportunities. Missing even a single day can mean missing out on important lessons, class discussions, and collaborative projects, which are all vital for a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter. Consistent attendance also helps students develop a routine and a sense of responsibility, both of which are essential skills for their future endeavours. Therefore, we urge parents to support and encourage their children in maintaining excellent attendance and punctuality to foster their academic growth and success.

Year 13 Prom

Friday 21 June sees our Year 13 Prom taking place. The event will be held at Pinewood Hotel from 6:00pm to 11:30pm. Tickets are on sale via ParentPay, and we encourage all students to secure theirs soon. We hope that students celebrate their time with us in 6th Form and have a wonderful evening, filled with joy, laughter, and lasting memories. This prom marks a significant milestone in their lives, and we look forward to seeing them enjoy this special occasion.

Coming up - Celebrity visit

On 4 July the LRC, has invited Fergus Walsh (who became the BBC’s medical correspondent in 2004, and in 2020, was promoted to the newly created title of medical editor in recognition of his work in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic), to give an inspirational talk to the 6th Form students during period 2. It is a unique opportunity for the students to hear about the life and experiences that Fergus has to share, as well as to raise the aspirations of our young students.

Book of the Month

The Audacity of Hope by Barak Obama. `This is more of a political document` says the New York Times. `Portions of the volume read like outtakes from a stump speech, and the bulk of it is devoted to laying out Mr Obama's policy positions on a host of issues, from education to health care to the war in Iraq.`

We have refreshed the Sixth Form library and have sent over 300 books to charity. We are now asking for any donations of books published from 2013, as we are trying to keep our collection as recent as possible to give the students a better selection of resources for their learning. All donations to be sent to Mrs Akil, 6th Form LRC.

Scholars’ Update

University Visit

A group of students from Scholar's Club, the wider 6th Form and lower school attended a ’Law Taster Day’ at Warwick School of Law on 30 April 2024.  The students had a full day on campus and a busy schedule that including a Campus tour, Taster Seminars on Joint Enterprise and the Art of mediation. And, of course, lunch!

Day in the Life ...

This term we welcomed a Dentist and a Director of a Communications and Marketing Agency. Dentist Gian-Marco D'Andrea joined us to talk the students through the reality of Dentistry in 2024 and share his top tips on getting work experience and routes into dentistry. Sally Pritchard, Director at agency  Something Big - Creative Communications Agency - B Corp - shared her journey from classroom to board room.

Study Skills

During development sessions so far this term students in Supervised Study have been introduced to some different tools to help retain and recall learning. Alongside note taking strategies like ‘Cornell Notes` taking students now have a series of new templates to pick from E. G.  ProveIt, SketchIt, WriteIt, TestIt and are already putting them into practice.

Culture Day Festivities

It was lovely to see so many of our 6th Form students taking part by wearing their national dress as part of our Annual TLA Culture Day. Supervised Study was awash with colour and pride. 

Career Opportunities

Over the last few months, Year 12 Students have been completing virtual work experiences with Speakers for Schools. The students complete these in the Study Hub and have been able to experience working life with a variety of employers from Bentley to a digital solutions company.

These programmes offer fully immersive experiences e.g. with Bentley the program offers students the chance to experience helping the production line run more efficiently to learning more about Bentley customers.

Summer School Success!

Year 12 Student Vicky G has been accepted on a summer school placement with Pathways to property  Run at Henley Business School in partnership with Reading University. This program offers practical insight into the working world of real estate management: a great opportunity.

Model UN Day - 26 April 2024

Thirteen students from A level history, joined five other local schools to take part in a ‘Model UN Day’ held at St Joseph’s school. The purpose of the event is for students to put in to practise communications skills and debate hot political topics.

“It was a great to work and debate with students from other schools” comments Jack Hegarty, who was part of TLA team “we were allocated a country and council to represent and argue for. It was daunting at first to stand up and speak however by the end of the day we all felt comfortable and learnt from each other”.

Mental Health Awareness Week - 13-19 May 2024

The theme for the week was `Movement: moving for our mental health`. A `Let’s Move More for our Mental Health’ poster provided by the Mental Health Foundation was strategically placed around the sixth form environment. This served as a reminder and a resource for students as its QR code led to invaluable    resources on the Mental Health Foundation’s website. This year’s theme underscored the importance of intentionally and consistently moving our bodies to safeguard our mental health since our bodies and minds are inextricably linked.

The mental health awareness focus was incorporated in the sixth form in a variety of ways such as resources were provided for House Tutor discussions.  For example, in Personal Development sessions, focus was given to the theme as year 12 students discussed the campaign and completed a group exercise to share their ideas on why movement helps mental health. Without prompting they were able to come up with medical and physical reasons to support why moving more improves mental health from the impact on hormones to releasing energy. The challenge is for them to make sure they put it into practise. The “Moving for our Mental Health” theme was also a timely reminder for the year 13 students to use movement as a helpful strategy as they navigate their exam season with its increased levels of stress. Let’s all remember to move our bodies as we move forward, together!


Mentoring continues to be a vital intervention for academic and wellbeing support. A cohort of twenty-seven Year 13 students accessed the Support Plus Mentoring Programme where they received one-to-one mentoring sessions in which they learnt study skills, and mindset and resilience strategies with the objective that students would transfer them in raising their attainment in their courses of study. In addition, students received ongoing accountability support where coursework were completed, apprenticeship referral made, and wellbeing concerns addressed.

Year 13 Study Leave Send off...

Our Year 13 Cohort celebrated the start of their study leave and marked the end of their time here at the TLA with a fun filled Assembly with lots of laughter (most Likely to awards) and a few tears. Our very own Ant and Dec (Mr Spilsbury and Mr Summers) led a fitting event to mark the end of this era followed by a celebration BBQ.