End of Term Highlights from TLAP

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May 24, 2024

Nursery and Reception

This week in Nursery, we have been learning all about Josephine Baker. Our text map is a biography about Josephine Baker and her life. We have been having some messy fun painting the windows using special window paint and enjoying dancing and using the giant parachute in PE.
This week, Reception have started learning their new story map which is instructions on how to make the world a greener place. In Maths, the children have been learning to add by counting on from a given number, through playing fun games such as, ‘How many on the bus?’. We have also started planting seeds in our garden and the children have been doing a wonderful job taking care of the plants.

Year One and Two

This week was very exciting! Year 1 created bridges using junk modelling and materials found in the classroom. We then tested the strength of them. We worked hard on planning and writing our own versions of The Three Billy Goats Gruff and created our own pictures to go alongside them in free flow.
This term in Science, Year 2 have been learning about keeping themselves healthy. This week they were carrying out an experiment to see if using soap had any effect on getting rid of germs. First, they all applied a special gel that showed up under a UV light. Then half the class washed their hands for 30 seconds with just water and the other half used soap. They then looked at their hands under a UV light to see how successful they had been with their predictions.

Year Three and Four

This week in Year 3, we continued learning Christian parables and talked about what morals these teach to Christians. In Geography, we learned about rivers – the Thames and the Chattahoochee – and compared them. In Science, we learned about transparent, translucent and opaque objects and used torches to find examples of each in our classroom. We also started learning about Ruby Bridges, the first child to integrate in a time of racially segregated schools in the United States and began learning a poem about her.
The children in Year 4 have enjoyed another week of learning. In Maths, the have completed work on understanding decimal numbers and are now exploring ways to add and subtract numbers with decimals. In English, the children have completed their hot task on persuasive writing and are beginning to write recipes. In Computing, the children have finished mixing their recordings to make their own music.

Year Five and Six

It has been a very different week in Year 5. We would like to thank the children for working so hard despite a change in work environment. They have learnt about the solar system in Science, researched why the Hidden Figures should be remembered in History and what they achieved as well as what they did after working for NASA.
SATs are over! We would like to congratulate all of the Year 6 children on their hard work and dedication these past few weeks. It has great to see just how much they have learnt this year so far, well done!