End of Term Highlights from TLHP

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May 24, 2024

Nursery - What can I tell others about animals and their young?

The Nursery children have developed so much this half term and are working hard on getting ready for Reception and learning as much as they can. We watched some caterpillars develop and grow into butterflies and set them free. This was fascinating to the children and they painted and created their own butterflies and caterpillars as they processed the changes they noticed. They were also incredible story tellers and retold the story of The Three Little Pigs with enthusiasm and intonation. We were also delighted to have parents attend a workshop on communication and language and seeing the children enjoy some quality time with their parents at school was a wonderful experience for both the children and their teachers. We are incredibly proud of our little learners and we are looking forward to this last half term with them.

Reception - What is it like to live in another country?

This term, Reception explored what it would be like to live in Africa. We compared our homes and lifestyles, discovering many differences. We learned about the unique animals we would see in Africa and those we find here. One of our favorite books this term was Handa's Surprise. The children enjoyed tasting the various fruits from Handa's basket and experimenting with mixing different flavor fruit juices to see what they would taste like. They also painted beautiful sunsets and used their fine motor skills to stencil lovely African landscapes. It was a term full of discovery and creativity!

Year 1 - How alike are humans and other animals?

This term the children's learning has been centered around the big question, 'How alike are humans and other animals?' The children have been looking at texts linked to animals and their habitats. We started the term reading 'Class two at the zoo' and the children wrote a recount of their own trip to the zoo.The children learnt about animals and how to care for them in our recent trip to Beale Park. The children got to see a range of animals and saw what they are fed and the environment they live in at the zoo. They loved their trip! The next day, they wrote all about their trip in their English books.

Year 1 has been lucky enough to receive weekly dance sessions with two coaches. The children learnt a variety of moves and got to express themselves through movement.

Our High stakes project was the create a shoe box diorama. Their diorama consisted on showing off their knowledge about animals and habitats. Children were asked to choose an animal and research about it. Then they created a model of the habitat. Children used the skills they learnt in DT to fold, roll and manipulate resources to create a mini version of an animals habitat.

Have a look at our Art Sculptures!

Year 2 - How can we learn from animals?

This term has been a very busy and exciting one for Year 2! Our big question was 'How can we learn from animals?'. We visited the Living Rainforest, and the children were particularly excited to see a Sloth and brightly coloured frogs in the rainforest habitat!

Our focus for English and Reading has been The Jungle Book, and the children have had lots of fun and worked really hard on our own production for the school and for parents.

We were also lucky enough to have focused dance lessons this term too. Some highlights were dancing to Katy Perry's Roar, and the Sea Shanty!

It has been a fantastic term we are so proud of the children’s achievements and being able to watch them shine on and off the stage!

Year 3 - How are humans and animals linked together and support the ecosystem they live in?

This half term in Year 3 our big question has been, ‘How are humans and animals linked together and support the ecosystem they live in?’ In geography, we have learning about the different climate zones. The children have been understanding how where you live in relation to the equator affects the climate zone that you are in. The children have then been understanding how the different climates affect the day to day lives of the people living in this region. They have undertaken research on different countries within each climate zone and then presented this research to different year groups as part of our high stakes project. The children confidently got up and spoke in front of the different year groups and presented their findings about the different countries and their climates.

In English we have been reading the book, Charlotte's Web. The children went on to write newspaper articles on the day that Wilbur tried to escape. They learnt the features of a newspaper article and successfully used these within their own writing. They thoroughly enjoyed our trip to Odds Farm where they got to see many different animals and learn more about farm life.

In art, the children have been learning all about drawing using a

pencil. They have learnt how to use shapes to be able to support their drawings, tone and the four different rules of shading. They have looked closely at different features of plants and used different techniques such as frottage and the use of a viewfinder to be able to create different pieces of artwork.

It has been a busy half term in Year Three! We are very much looking forward to our final half term where our big question will be ‘How can you be the change?’

Year 4 - How do humans impact their environment?

Year 4 were learning all about North America this half term. Our big question was "How do humans impact their environment?". In our science lessons we learnt about aspects such as plastic pollution, bleaching of the coral reef, burning fossil fuels, rising sea temperatures and deforestation. The children created leaflets about what we as humans should do to look after the environment and minimise the risks of these environmental disasters happening. In Writing we wrote diary entries about animals going on a journey through different climates and seasons and learnt about behavioural and instinct changes that occur in animals when they have to adapt to a changing environment/ecosystem. We read a book called 'Call of the Wild' and loved reading about Buck as the main character and about his trials and tribulations as he explored Alaska and learnt the traits of a sled dog. He encountered kindness, affection and hatred throughout the story and the children enjoyed discussing how to support these different emotions. In Science the children learnt about food miles, where food comes from and how we should eat seasonal food to support our environment in the best way possible. They did a fantastic workshop in which they planted their own pea plants and were able to watch them grow over a few weeks and have taken them home to enjoy eating over the half term. The topic

finished with an exhibition of all of the learning and work we have done about North America and it displayed some comparisons to South America which was our topic from Spring 2.

Year 5 - How do organisms change as they go through their life cycles?

In exploring the term dedicated to understanding life cycles, Year 5 students delved into the fascinating question of "How do organisms change as they go through their life cycles?" Emphasising practical learning, the Science curriculum saw pupils engaged in observing real-life examples through an interactive experience with a butterfly garden. Witnessing the stages of a butterfly's life cycle firsthand provided a rich context for classroom discussions and enhanced comprehension.

Further enriching their academic journey, the Maths curriculum in Year 5 focused on angles and perimeters, culminating in an outdoor learning experience. This hands-on approach not only reinforced mathematical concepts but also encouraged a deeper connection with the subject matter.

In DT, children created their own pop books and used their creativity to inspire Year 1 children. They read the books they made to the younger children and explained the process of making a pop book. They later evaluated their work, reflected and discussed how they could have made it even better.

The English curriculum complemented the interdisciplinary approach

by immersing students in the captivating novel When the Mountains Roar and the Last Bear. Building on this literary inspiration, children explored their creative potential by composing and performing their own poetry in the school assembly. This engaging activity not only honed their writing skills but also fostered confidence in public speaking, showcasing the holistic development fostered within the Year 5 learning environment.

Year 6 - How does a life- changing moment affect me?

This term Year 6 have been revising for their SATS.

This has included extra Maths, Reading and SPAG in both morning and afternoon sessions.

The children have worked really hard in these areas and SAT’s week went well – concluding in an after SATS party.

Children are now focused on their enterprise project and have started to work on their marketing and research survey across the school.